National Team Manager needed for Malawi.


Mind Sports South Africa (MSSA) has been invited to participate in the Southern Africa Region Esports Championships 2022 (SAREC 2022) which shall be held in Lilongwe, Malawi on December 3rd and 4th , 2022.

SAREC 2022 is a joint project of the GEF’s Africa Esports Development Federation (AEDF) and the African Union Sports Council (AUSC) Region 5 and it will be a demonstration showpiece alongside of the AUSC Region 5 Youth Games.

With the event being held at the same time as IESF’s 14th World esports Championships, National Team Manager, Johan van Breda, will not be able to accompany the team to Malawi.

Thus MSSA shall select a National Team Manager specifically for this event, and all Registered Players that meet the following criteria may apply:

  • Current or past members of the Management Board.
  • Have held office for at least three years in an administrative or technical capacity for MSSA. This includes all Registered Players who have actively served as umpires and as Regional and Provincial Directors.
  • Have already served as a National Team Manager.
  • Have earned Protea Colours and who is of majority. This allows a huge number of past Protea Team Members to stand for the position who have earned Protea Colours in the past, as well as those who currently hold such colours.

Since MSSA’s Constitution states that the National Team Manager (NTM) must be a Registered Player, it means that only fully-paid-up Registered Players may apply for the position. Thus, it would not even stop a player who is no longer fully-paid-up from quickly paying up and applying for the position. 

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The position includes all flight and hotel costs and the delegate shall be expected to meet African Union delegates and attend the conference as well as manage the team.

All Registered Players interested in applying for the position must submit the following to by no later than 18H00 on 11 October 2022:


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